Wednesday, March 31, 2010


whew! Today has been a busy day! But man, has it been a great one. i am beginning to think that this whole week is going to be one of those just awesome weeks (with one exception which i will probably post about tomorrow).
This morning i got up early and drove into Atlanta to serve lunch at the Atlanta Union Mission, and i am so glad that i did, even though, between you and me, i wanted to stay in the bed. i was a little intimidated at first because i was in the all mens shelter and i needed an escort to walk me around because i was all by my lonesome. But the volunteer coordinator there is so cool and we are like BFF now and i hope to help out there a lot more in the future.

After i made it safely out of Atlanta and back into Kennesaw, i decided that it was too gorgeous of a day to run on a treadmill, so i packed up Jude (the dog) and rode over to the park for a run. Wonderful. Except for the cramps that i got that kept me from running too much. That was not too wonderful, but how could you be sad when Spring is so nice? {i think she got my letter.}

Later in the afternoon i got to talk to my far away friend Jeffrey, who this week is REALLY far away in Sao Paulo, Brazil! Way fun. And i got to hang out with my "nephew" the son of one of my brother's friends who was ALWAYS around. He was too cute and he called Jude "Dude" which i just think is A-DOR-ABLE.

Then, this evening, not so fun, but very productively i finished my last paper for the semester. (yay)

Oh and i don't believe that i mentioned that i got the interview!!! i am going in on Friday at 10am, so pray because i would LOVE this job.

ALSO! i don't know what to wear!! Well, i know what i would like to wear, but i don't own it. so, any suggestions?

and really? no one had a comment on my bad poetry? really?

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I'm so excited you got the interview! All your productivity is paying off!



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