Thursday, April 1, 2010

a tribute

remember oliver? He was hanging in there pretty well until this week when he went downhill really quickly and my mom took him to the vet this morning. They took him to a field where lots of kitties live and run free and the sun shines on them all the time and there is lots of grass for them to eat and mice to chase. He is happy now and no longer in pain, and i am glad for that. But i am sad for my mom who really loved this cat.

Oliver was one of the most talkative and annoying cats there ever was. He was an inside cat who had a taste of the outdoors and was always jonesin’ to get out again. He would pace around the kitchen and wait for the door to open meowing the whole time. He loved to be held, and would wind his way around your feet (meowing of course) until you picked him up. He was nice to hold too because of his thick, soft fur. He had a big fluffy tail that i loved to play with. He had some strange habits too. He loved when my mom when put on lotion in the mornings and he would sit there and lick her legs. If that isn’t one of the strangest things I have ever heard, i don’t know what is.

Anyways, he was a great cat. And we will miss him.

also, i want to give a shout out to a wonderful woman whose life got turned upside down a while back when her daughter had an AVM rupture. Her blog is amazing and it totally rocked my world this evening. If only i could learn to live like this.

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