Friday, April 9, 2010

and so on

i know that i have been slack in posting. i honestly didn't know what to say. The days are passing quickly by and i do my best to keep them occupied.

i am re-reading one of my favorite books, and running, and meeting friends at the park, and spending time with my sister who is on spring break (as much as she allows), and somehow organizing a coffee house, and mailing my scholarship applications.

i received no word about the job that i interviewed for, but i am not worried. i did everything i know to do and it is out of my hands. i have an interview on monday to work at an arts and crafts store, which i imagine could be fun. we shall see.

i am staying optimistic. i have stopped applying for a job a day because i found myself applying for jobs that i did not care for, and i was not putting forth my best effort on the application and cover letters. I have decided that my time would be better spent looking for a job that i would care enough about to put forth a respectable application because otherwise i am wasting my time.

on a completely unrelated note, i was riding with a friend the other day and the new Mil*y Cyr*s song came on the radio. i wasn't really paying much attention except to notice that it was the one that is from her new movie. But my friend apparently was paying a little more attention and asked "is she singing about Jesus?" I couldn't tell enough to respond and quite forgot about it until i heard it another time and realized that it did, in fact seem that she was singing about Jesus. Check out the Lyrics.

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