Friday, March 19, 2010

what are the odds?

i am in Tennessee this weekend for class. In order to be here at 9am i left my house around 6. So obviously, i took advantage of a free LARGE drink coupon from Chick-fil-a. i had drank (drunk?) about half of my coke when i was about 45 minutes from my destination. i reached down for it and as i grabbed it, it felt a lot lighter than i remembered, and as i lifted the drink i felt something wet on my leg. i looked down to see coke pouring out of the bottom of my cup onto my leg. i quickly set the cup back into the cup holder which i saw was FULL of coke. i also noticed that it had overflowed the cup holder into the other cup holder (where my phone was sitting) and onto the rest of the console (where my ipod was resting).



  1. hope the pants and phone turn out ok

  2. oh no!

    I pray over your electronics from afar.

    and try not putting your phone in the cupholders! only bad things come from it.

  3. Thanks. The phone is still to be determined, it worked and then didn't work. We shall see. The ipod just got sticky. And the pants had no evidence of coke on them at all - amazing. i managed to clean most of the coke out of my car (after several trips to the bathroom for paper towels) but my parking break is still sticky. i have learned my lesson about putting my phone in a cup holder. It only took two times.



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