Tuesday, March 16, 2010


You may have noticed that i talk a big game.
Well, i have decided that the time for talk is over.
In counseling we say that when you make goals, they have to be SMART.

Action oriented
Time bound

So, i am doing a one month experiment to change the way that i am doing life right now. i know typically you do this stuff at the beginning of the month, but i need to do something. i have been talking a lot about change and choices, but i haven't really done anything to change my situation. So here it goes:

Goal number one: get a job. i will be required to apply to at least one job a day. i am on track so far this week as i applied to a job yesterday and today.

Goal number two: make friends. i will endeavor to do one social activity a week (excluding Bible study and church attendance) and i will tell myself that people want to be my friend.

Goal number three: be healthy(er). i will exercise five times a week and try to make better choices in eating. i think my goal has to be just trying to make better choices and not necessarily the best choice, because i just can't go cold turkey when it comes to eating what i want.

Goal number four: Practice the guitar thirty minutes a day, five days a week. i keep loosing my calluses because i go too long in between playing.

Goal number five: only one tv show a day. i won't be able to accomplish my goals if i just watch Psych all day.

Goal number six: spend time with the Lord everyday. If i think about it as just replacing one tv show with prayer, it doesn't seem like a hard thing to do.

Goal number seven: not to sleep later than nine, no matter how long it took me to fall asleep the night before. Maybe the more i am sleep deprived, the better able i will be to fall asleep when i lay down. Ideally i will get up at eight everyday, but i think i need to take baby steps in that direction.

Goal number eight: stay optimistic.

i am off track for this week already simply because i have my class this weekend in Tennessee and i have an assignment to complete, so i think that i will use this week as preparation and really get started next week. You guys are my accountability partners. i know that i will never change my life by just wanting it to change. i have to actually do something about it.

What should i call this, thirty days to change my life? It sounds like a self-help book.

thoughts, opinions, suggestions?


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