Tuesday, March 23, 2010


1. The humane society commercial makes me cry

2. i didn't work out or play the guitar today (but i was, i would say, otherwise productive)

3. Finishing my school assignment is taking longer than it should because; (a) i haven't finished the readings, and (b) i am trying to watch 19 kids and counting while working on it.

4. i told my mom i would help her organize the basement before my brother comes home for spring break and i am more excited about doing that than any of the things that i am supposed to be doing.

5. Part of my motivation for doing this goals things is a hope that if i change my outside actions, my inside attitude will come along. i was reading about John Wesley recently and how he struggled a lot with never experiencing or feeling in his heart the things that he believed in his mind. One of his advisers told him to "preach faith until you have it." That is what i think a lot of the spiritual disciplines can offer us. i may not feel it, but i am going to act like i do until all of me is unified.

day 2. over and out.

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