Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the insomniac blues

so yesterday, i failed. And last night i was reminded one of the main reasons that i started doing this project in the first place.

First of all, i slept way late. i don't know why my body thinks that it needs 10-11 hours of sleep a night, but it needs to get the memo that that is not ok.

Second, i watched two movies yesterday. One of which was emotionally draining (meaning i cried through the. whole. thing.) and i watched it before bed. Bad idea.

So lets just say that i didn't sleep much last night.

weird things go through my head when i am trying to go to sleep. i think maybe i let go of control of my thoughts and all filters disappear.

and things happen like this:

the insomniac blues

tick-tock, its three o'clock
i've got the insomniac blues
laying in bed, a million thoughts in my head
and nothing to lose

stomach or back, just can't relax
sleep eludes me again
too cold or too hot, i'll take off my socks
i just can't win

frustration & sorrow
i can't wait for tomorrow,
i guess it technically is.


since i didn't sleep much, i was up at 7am to prepare myself for my phone interview. i did my research on the company, i got up and got dressed per joey and erika's suggestions. Then i read, played the guitar, and waited for the phone to ring, and ring it did at 9:28. i think it went ok. We talked about mission trips, and how i am living with my parents, and how this job would be a great experience for me.

She is going to call me later this week to let me know if i merited an in-person interview. yikes!

Someone else is up all night too.


  1. What kind of job is it?

  2. It is an intake assistant for an Employee Assistance Program. Which i love the idea of because i loved my I/O Psych class.



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