Monday, January 11, 2010

Standing in the Queue Part II

so, well, i got to the front of the line and had no money. i thought that i had prepared myself to not be in classes this semester, but i really was expecting for the money to be provided. i have never been in a situation where God did not provide for me, so i feel like maybe i missed something, or took a wrong step somewhere.

(REALLY random side-note, i am in Chick-fil-a right now and the girl behind the counter is talking about a bad rash that she has...i think i just lost my appetite...)

The good thing is, is that i learned something else important from Rees Howells that is an essential Biblical truth: God is always giving us a death. If you don't follow Christ, this is a strange concept to understand, but for those who are disciples, you know what i am talking about. It seems weird that God would give us something and then ask for it back, but He must constantly make sure that we are devoted to and dependent on Him and not on our plans. i still know that this school is for me (i cried when i left) i just have to trust that God is who He says He is, that He is in control and He will make a way. i was reminded this weekend of what this guy at my church likes to say; "when God closes a door, He always opens a window, but it is hell in the hallway!"

Here are the logistics as of now: i am taking one intensive class which will meet on Feb 5 in Atl and a weekend in March in Chattanooga, TN. i am on a payment plan for this class where i will make four payments of $255. Thanks to some wonderful people from my church i have enough for the first payment and for the books. i will spend my spare time applying for scholarships and looking for a job in the Kennesaw area.

i am held in place by His grace, and i am more confident than ever of His magnificent love for me. And as soon as i know what His plans are, i will walk in them! The good thing is that in Isaiah 35 it says that even the fool will not go astray. Thank God for grace.


  1. I love your confidence and your trust in the Lord. I love how you can so easily see how God is at work and how your glass is always half-full (or overflowing). Basically, I love you a lot and I'm so blessed to be able to know you and learn from you.

    What's this intensive class about?

  2. Oh wow. But here's a second comment for you-- my word verification word for the previous comment was: apingsf.

    I think this is the Lord saying two things to you: Aping. SF. Aping-- aping around...maybe you are meant to do some work with apes?? In San Francisco?? Call the SF Zoo-- they have a job for you!!! :)

  3. Thanks Erika! The intensive class is called "Methods and Models of Integration" it is about integrating spirituality into counseling. I am excited about it.
    About an ape in San Fransico, there is a Monk episode where a chimp is a suspect in a murder an at the end he is sent to the San Fransisco zoo. Maybe it is a message about my obsession with Monk.

  4. So if faith are the things hoped for...what is hope?
    Beth Moore taught me that the Hebrew definition of hope is "the eager anticipation of something to come..."
    it's not about the if...more about the "when".

    You WILL be provided's just a matter of "when!"

    I join you in eagerly anticipating the "when" of your provision!

    P.S. I LOVE that you stood in the queue.



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