Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog Name

Hey Friends, i don't really like my blog name. i was trying to think of things that had the word May in it, but the current name, even though i like it, it seems a bit cliche, plus it is from a speech about suicide, which i am really not crazy about...any thoughts?


  1. I was first sad when I was reading that you wanted to change your blog name, because it's so cute. Then I saw that part about it being in a suicide speech. Yeah...change could be good. It's great that your last name works so well with a solid blog title. Can you imagine anything with Zylow? I can't.

  2. hmm...with the word "May?"

    umm..."I wish I may, I wish I might..." ha. cheesy.


    "Timshel!" not "May" but I love it.

  3. Oh, Timshel is good! And it has the significance of may. It doesn't HAVE to have May in it. That was just a thought i had

  4. I like the Timshel idea. And I'd also like to take Diana's question as a personal challenge. How about...Zylow Can You Go?? (how low can you go...please tell me someone else caught that awesome wittiness...)



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