Friday, January 29, 2010

Birthday Stories

Tomorrow is my birthday. To commemorate, i thought that i would share with the internet world some of the worst birthdays ever. enjoy!

-When i was young (maybe 6 or so) i had a party at a skating rink. My birthday happened to fall on a Sunday that year, so we had the party on the actual day. Unfortunately it also happened to be Superbowl Sunday, and well, only one of my friends came. (my dad even left early)

-On the day of another party, a couple of years later i was in class and my head was itching after i scratched a couple of squirmy things landed on my desk, that's right, lice. i had to get my head scrubbed and scrubbed, and only a couple people came to my party

-Another year it snowed and only people who could walk to my house came to my party (still a good number because i had some friends in my neighborhood) unfortunately among those that came were a few that did not get along...oh yeah i just remembered, earlier that day when i was sledding down a hill, i had a run-in with a mailbox right around my hip and i couldn't walk very well.

-A couple years later i actually had a good turn-out at my party, with the exception of my best friend, who threw a party on the same night (right up the street) and our parties clashed.

-The worst one though was right in the middle of a family crisis and the death of a friend of mine. The party was actually a nice time with friends after a crappy week, although it was supposed to be a surprise party, the cars and my friend arriving the same time as me tipped it off.

That is the gist of it, they got better as i got older, i am just glad that we were only allowed to have a party every-other year, otherwise, i might have been scarred for life...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Things i have learned by watching Monk

1. If you have a lot of money, don't get married. Your spouse will kill you so he or she can keep all the money for themselves.

2. If the person you love has a lot of money, don't get married, if they ever want a divorce, they will kill you or your housekeeper so that they do not have to pay for the the divorce or alimony.

3. On second thought, it is probably better if you don't get married at all, those life insurance policies can be pretty tempting.

4. If you are not married, but having an affair with someone who is, do not give them an ultimatum and threaten to tell his or her spouse. They will kill you.

5. Don't ever blackmail anyone, they will kill you.

6. If you meet someone who has worked with you or been around for a long time and yet, you have never noticed them before, be careful, they could be a murderer, or a victim.

7. There is no such thing as an airtight alibi. Being in space, 900 lbs, in a coma, or even dead, does not rule you out as a suspect.

8. Nothing is ever as it seems.

9. Always keep wipes with you, just in case.

10. Things are better if they are even. You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


My mom has a cat.

Well, actually she has four, but that is a different story.
So, this particular cat, Oliver, is beautiful. He is orange and stripy and big and fluffy. Perfect for snuggling.
But Oliver is sick. Apparently he might have a tumor behind his left eye. This tumor makes his eye funky and gross. It also creates a condition whereby Oliver seems to have a constant upper respiratory infection. His nose constantly has snot coming from it and he has trouble breathing. His cat stealthiness goes right out the window because you can hear his heavy breathing from across the room. Also because he hasn't been feeling well he hasn't been grooming himself, so his fur isn't soft and fluffy and his tail is crusted with dried up goo from his nose.

i am praying for him to be healed.

Monday, January 25, 2010


A good friend of mine is having trouble getting her 15 year old to do all the things he needs to do, so she decided to offer him the incentive of a reward if he gets things done. He turned her down, however. He said that he did not want the stress of having to behave.

i feel like that sometimes. A reward in the future is just not enough incentive for me to do something now. And being concerned and worried about losing a certain reward based on what i do is really stressful.

i had a good time in Athens yesterday. We had a prayer ministers meeting after church, then a wonderful baby shower for Amantha where i got to see a bunch of people that i love, then i went to a house warming party for some new friends of mine.

Today however, i woke up and knew that i was not supposed to be there. it was the first time that i have not had peace when i was in Athens. And it broke my heart.

So home i came, all the while thinking of obedience and what the costs and rewards are. Sometimes i want to forgo the reward and just do whatever i want. But then i remember that this is not just about a reward. This is about love. This is about laying my life down over and over and over again. It is hard. but it is good. Really good.

Yesterday, my wonderful Sunday School teacher said "obedience doesn't earn you anything, but it puts you in a position to receive"

i am positioning myself.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Things i'm Addicted To

Monk- i have just started Monk recently and have watched the first four seasons. it is the perfect blend of humor and mystery, and there is never too much gore. i love it, but i have gotten a little too emotionally attached to the characters.

Coke- If i had my way, i would drink one with every meal. The sad thing is i keep cokes at my house so that i won’t go out to eat as much. i get more excited about what i am going to eat if i know that i am going to have a coke with my meal. i am trying to cut back, honest.

Sudoku- i will just keep solving puzzles, one after the other…

Christian Fiction- one of the things i like about it is there is always some redemption or salvation. I enjoy novels in general, but i like being able to pick up a book and know that it is going to have a good message, or speak to me in some way.

Really cheesy movies that have a happy ending- good examples are Disney, Lifetime and Christian movies- honestly the cheesier, the better.

Order- I wouldn’t consider myself to be obsessive compulsive because i am able to let things go, but i much prefer for things to be organized and in their places.

Games that i am good at- i’m not saying i have to win all the time, but things are more fun when they are competitive! And i do like winning.

Jude- A 75 lb, lanky black dog, who is scared of his own shadow. I just love him so much, even if he is worthless! You would love him too, especially when he is trying to crawl into your lap.

Being good at things- i get really frustrated when i am not good at something. When this happens (which believe it or not, is often) i will either quit and never touch it again, OR i will become the most determined person ever to conquer this thing. I guess it depends on how bad i want to do whatever it is. Example: Snow skiing, i tried it once in high school and it was the worst thing ever, i was terrible! No matter how hard i tried i could not get the hang of it, so i stopped and i have never skied again. But when i started playing the guitar last year i had no shred of musical ability at all, now over a year and a half later, well i still have no musical ability, but i am a pretty decent guitar player.

Singing- you can’t stop me, just bring your ear plugs.

Sleep- i will choose sleep over just about anything

Jesus- i have tried, but i just can’t quit.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog Name

Hey Friends, i don't really like my blog name. i was trying to think of things that had the word May in it, but the current name, even though i like it, it seems a bit cliche, plus it is from a speech about suicide, which i am really not crazy about...any thoughts?

Vulnerability and the Body of Christ

i have this problem with being vulnerable and sharing my life with people. The Lord has been trying to tell me this for years through lots of frustrating and embarrassing dreams. i have this thing that keeps reoccurring in my dreams that involves me not able to find a bathroom that has a lock, or a door at all. i am not sure what is at the root of this fear of exposure, maybe it is bound up in my old friend fear of rejection, maybe it is my pride, or maybe my own insecurity. Whatever it is, the Lord has made it clear that He wants to change it.

A little while ago i had the opportunity to teach in my Sunday School class and instead of teaching about you know, the fruit of the Spirit, or hearing from the Lord, or something like that, i had to be vulnerable and share about being in the wilderness with the Lord. Anyways, it was hard to do, but at the same time it was so freeing to be open with people who i know love me. Everyone one was so encouraging and supportive.

This has really made me think about the Body of Christ and what it really means. i have been a part of this body for years, but i have never really allowed myself to utilize what was being offered. i like to keep to myself and be protected, but when i do that, i am limiting myself to what only i can offer. Not that our brothers and sisters are only there for our benefit, but the purpose of the body is to support one another. Sometimes we need help and sometimes we are there to help others.

The week after i shared in Sunday School another member of our class was moved to wash my feet and pray for me. This was a really meaningful moment for me at a time when i really needed it. There have been so many people in my church who have held me up and supported me when i could not do it myself.

Last Sunday, a well-loved older member of our church collapsed during the sermon. He was quickly surrounded by registered nurses, pharmacists, and prayer warriors. i watched this man go from having no pulse and no color to being awake and alert in a faster time than i thought could be possible. It was amazing to see the body of Christ react in a real tangible way and i am convinced that we all witnessed a miracle on Sunday.

“And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ…speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:11-16

Imagine the Possibilities.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Book list

My friend Juli told me that I should make a list of books that I love. So here you go; a list of books that I unequivocally recommend.

•Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard – it is like she opened up my journal and wrote a book about it!

•Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving from Affluence to Generosity by Ronald J. Sider- This is a book to challenge the way you think about serving the poor

•Same Kind of Different as Me by Ronald Hall and Denver Moore- Make sure you have time to read it in a couple sittings and bring a box of tissues

•Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman Grubb- What it looks like when a man fully lays down his life

•The Final Quest by Rick Joyner- The most intense and convicting book I have ever read

•Galileo’s Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love by Dava Sobel- A collection of letters sent to Galileo from his daughter in a convent mixed with the story of his life and discoveries. Some of the science stuff was a little thick, but it was neat to see the personal side (and the deep faith) of Galileo Galilei.

•Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte- I just love it!

•Most books by Francine Rivers or Robert Whitlow- These are books I read when I want to relax and escape

•The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom- I could not recommend a book more highly than this. I learned so much about the person that I want to be from this book

•The Tipping Point and Blink by Malcom Gladwell- very interesting books about trends and judgments. I haven’t read his new book, Outliers, but I would like to.

•The Know-it-all and Year of Living Biblically by AJ Jacobs- hilarious and thought provoking at the same time. I have to credit Erika for my AJ Jacobs collection.

•Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler- Bruce Feiler travels through the first five books of the Bible, literally. He finds a lot of really interesting things…like Manna!

-Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey the truth about debt and credit

There are probably a lot more but these are my favorites that I can think of off the top of my head. I will add some more if I think of them

Monday, January 11, 2010

Standing in the Queue Part II

so, well, i got to the front of the line and had no money. i thought that i had prepared myself to not be in classes this semester, but i really was expecting for the money to be provided. i have never been in a situation where God did not provide for me, so i feel like maybe i missed something, or took a wrong step somewhere.

(REALLY random side-note, i am in Chick-fil-a right now and the girl behind the counter is talking about a bad rash that she has...i think i just lost my appetite...)

The good thing is, is that i learned something else important from Rees Howells that is an essential Biblical truth: God is always giving us a death. If you don't follow Christ, this is a strange concept to understand, but for those who are disciples, you know what i am talking about. It seems weird that God would give us something and then ask for it back, but He must constantly make sure that we are devoted to and dependent on Him and not on our plans. i still know that this school is for me (i cried when i left) i just have to trust that God is who He says He is, that He is in control and He will make a way. i was reminded this weekend of what this guy at my church likes to say; "when God closes a door, He always opens a window, but it is hell in the hallway!"

Here are the logistics as of now: i am taking one intensive class which will meet on Feb 5 in Atl and a weekend in March in Chattanooga, TN. i am on a payment plan for this class where i will make four payments of $255. Thanks to some wonderful people from my church i have enough for the first payment and for the books. i will spend my spare time applying for scholarships and looking for a job in the Kennesaw area.

i am held in place by His grace, and i am more confident than ever of His magnificent love for me. And as soon as i know what His plans are, i will walk in them! The good thing is that in Isaiah 35 it says that even the fool will not go astray. Thank God for grace.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Standing in the Queue

This past summer i read a book called Rees Howells Intercessor. i highly recommend it. Anyways, this guy Rees, who lived in the early to mid-1900's lived his life completely dependent and surrendered to the Lord. One of the stories in the book is about how he and his wife were traveling to Africa to be missionaries. As they were leaving their house they had no money. Rees had enough change in his pocket to take the train to the next stop, so he and his wife bought the ticket for as far as they could afford and boarded the train.
When they reached the station Rees stood around nervously not sure what to do. He knew that he was not to ask anyone for money, but he also knew that God wanted him to get on the train to continue his journey to Africa. Then he heard God ask him 'If you had the money, what would you do?' Rees replied, 'I would stand in the queue' so God told him to believe that the money was his and to go stand in the line, and Rees did.
So there he is, standing in line to buy the tickets with no money and as the line gets shorter and shorter, Rees gets more and more nervous. By the time that there are only two people in front of him, he is sweating. Suddenly, the man in front of him turns around declares that he doesn't have time and thrusts his money into Rees's hands. Rees takes the money, buys the tickets and soon after, his friends and colleagues are providing him with everything else that he needs. He said afterward that as scary as it was, he would not trade the test in the queue for anything.

The reason that i am sharing this story with you is because tomorrow morning i am going to stand in the queue. i think that i may have mentioned before that i am in graduate school? Well the thing is, i am in graduate school by faith. Last semester God provided for me to take two classes. i signed up for three this semester without any idea of how i was going to pay for them.

My classes start tomorrow. i have no money. i am going to stand in the queue. We'll see what happens.

Monday, January 4, 2010

single life

The other day, my social life reached an all time low. And the sad part is, i enjoyed it.
Honestly, i have never been the type of person that likes to go out and do a bunch of stuff. Often, i have to make myself attend a social event, especially if i know that there will be a lot of people there. My idea of having fun with friends is having a few people over to my house to play some games and hang out. Doesn't that sound fun? Don't you want to come over?

It wasn't until i was mid-way through the movie "Oklahoma!" when i looked up from my map of the world puzzle and i thought to myself "this is pathetic." i am at the prime of my life! i should be doing something! The question is, what do i do? i find myself with free time, and i think - i should do something! But usually, i can't think of anything to do, especially anything that doesn't cost money, or, if there are options, i choose the one that involves me staying home in my PJs.

Some of you out there are thinking, man this girl is lame, but here is the thing, this wouldn't look as bad if i were married. There is nothing wrong with this picture if just one other person is involved. This is just another case of the marriage double-standard. Yes that's right, i called you out on your prejudice. On the inside, i am no different from you, sure i file differently on my taxes, i don't have any anniversaries, and i don't do things like collect ornaments to signify each Christmas together. So what? Why can't i prefer to stay home in the evenings without being lame? don't judge me. i watched "Oklahoma!" while putting together a 600 piece puzzle of the world. and i liked it.

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