Wednesday, February 17, 2010


i know that i need community, but it is hard to manufacture that community, so in an effort to help myself out, i went to a small group last night. This is a Bible Study for people in their twenties, mostly single people.

i loved it.

Here is why:
1. The leader is someone that i have a lot of respect for, and whose teachings i love.
2. i knew like 5 people there! One of whom i actually used to live with!
3. We did real Bible study, actually we started with a Bible knowledge quiz (on which i got a 95% - nothing like acing a test to put you in a good mood) and then picked up in Hosea which they have been studying.
4. After the study and discussion, we had a time of worship
5. THEN we broke into small groups and prayed for each other.

It was awesome. And can i say, i can't wait for next Tuesday.

On a completely unrelated note, i have found my Olympic calling. Curling. What do you think guys, want to join my team and go for gold?

1 comment:

  1. yay for community! and yay for curling. go for it.



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