Wednesday, October 27, 2010

can't we have an undo button?

there is an image from the Harry Potter book series that has always stuck with me. i assume that you all have a basic knowledge of the series. Harry is a wizard whose parents were murdered by the evil Lord Valdemort. At one point Harry is facing his enemy and something causes Valdemort's wand to do a reversal of his previous spells and Harry finds himself facing the image of his parents.

it broke my heart that there was no way for the spell to be completely reversed. it seemed like in this wizarding world where so many of the natural laws are suspended, that they could somehow find a way to get around the most critical law there is: death.

i found myself thinking about this today as i have been reflecting on the recent violent passing of a family friend.

can't God give us an undo?

as the One who actually CREATED natural law, the One who is SUPERnatural, can't He undo it?

of course He can.

but He doesn't.

and it hurts.

all this because we wanted it our own way. we wanted to make our own decisions and have control of our own lives. even our own deaths.

it is a good thing that this life is only the beginning.

"i would have despaired unless i had believed that i would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13

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